Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some Things We Can Know

Here's the message from Wednesday night's revival meeting. Looking around our world today, there is so much uncertainty. You could wake up tommorrow and not have a job, you could lose all you have in this world...some things you just can't count on. But the Bible tells us that we can count on GOD! And there are things we can KNOW without a shadow of doubt in this life. And knowing those things, taking them into our hearts and leaning on them, can make the uncertain not seem so bad.
I want to take time out to praise the Lord for what I feel like, slowly but surely, he is doing in our church. I haven't been saved and in church for long at all and I remember thinking that revivals were held so lost people could get saved. In every revival I've been too, my foremost thought, or at least one of them, has always been "I wonder whose gonna get saved?" But I know this morning that, although people getting saved would be a blessing, this time around that's not my main concern. For the first time, I've gone into revival with the #1 desire to see myself changed, shaped, at the end I'm a little more for God than I was before. #2 I want my church to be revived #3 I wanna see someone saved. So enjoy another message by Brother James may not know him but I ask you to pray for him as he seeks the Lord's will in our revival.

It was brought to my attention that some people weren't able to get the player on this site to work with their computer so I am adding the external links at the end of all posts so you can listen directly from the site.
James York: Some Things You Can Know

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