Monday, September 22, 2008

A Double Whammy!

Okay, so today was my cleaning day, and I like to listen to preaching and good gospel music while I do it so that I can keep my mind on what it needs to be on. I heard two excellent messages, both off the Sounds of the Gospel Trumpet website. The first was by Brother Eddie Denson who does prison ministry out in Alabama and it was about contentment. There are some things we ought to be content with. The Bible says "godliness with contentment is great gain." Brother Eddie lays these out, but then really hammers down on the things we, as born again Christians, have gotten content with, that we ought not to be. Very good message with alot of rejoicing.
Next, was a message by Ricky Simpson from Bremen Ga. His thought was "Some Lies that Will Kill You." It was aimed primarily towards men in the ministry, preachers and such, but exposes alot of false doctrines flying around in our fundamental churches today that Bible believing Christians are falling for. These lies will destroy , not only the man of God's ministry, but the witness and joy of Christians in all areas of ministry, whether a missionary, preacher, teacher, or just a parent whose missionfield is their home. We must beware of false doctrines and false prophets. In these last days, the devil is going about as a roaring lion seeking to destroy whoever, whenever, and however. He knows his time is running out and he uses these lies to lead people astray. Happy listening!

The Dangers of Being Content by Eddie Denson

Some Lies That Will Kill You by Ricky Simpson


Joy said...

I really did enjoy the message from Ricky Simmons. He does tell the truth..some lies that can kill you spirtually! I like that he doesn't compromise too many christians today just compromise instead of standing firm on their beliefs. I think too many christians today don't really know what they believe. They don't read and study the bible to know what to believe. I thank the Lord for my foundation..standing on the Rock and I will not be swayed Thanks to the Lord.
Too bad we can't get you father in law or Tim Shirley messages uploaded! Lets keep trying!

Della said...

Amen sister!