Monday, October 26, 2009

Are You Serious?!!!!!

This morning, I'm praising God for His goodness. I have been privilaged over the last, almost 7 years of being saved to hear some good preachin'. I can honestly say that so much of that good preaching, I've heard recently. And that encourages me. I'm sure if you've got any sense at all, you can see how things in this world are going...our nation is in trouble, it's people are in trouble, and the church as a whole is not helping, I'm afraid. So the fact that we're living in the last days...days when people everyday are sittin' down and quittin' on God, and I can honestly say that the good preaching I've heard is coming in these last days is encouraging. There are still men who will preach the truth, many of them in my generation. And there are still people who love the Lord and love the preaching of His Word, annointed and approved by Him. There are still those whose ears aren't all itchy for something superficial and watered down.

This message was preached by Brother James York, a young , on fire preacher at Wright's Chapel Baptist Church on a Thursday night. Brother York preaches on the solemn days in which we are living. So many Christians seem to be living their lives seemingly unconcerned that there are troubled people all around us that need Jesus. We're not serious...we don't take God's Word serious, His service serious...nothing really. This message will challenge you and it's the truth...I'm afraid so many churches have kicked the Holy Spirit out of their churches and he'll never darken the doors again and without that Spirit, there will be no conviction and where there is no conviction, their will be no new births. How serious are you taking these last days...

Here is the external link for this message.
James York: Solemn Day

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